Top 10 Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

They say that ignorance is bliss and this was very much the case before we found out that refined sugar was so bad for us. Alas, now that we know the truth we are constantly looking for alternatives that won’t rot our teeth or make us fat. So here are just a few suggestions for you if, like us, you are trying to reduce your intake of the dreaded ‘s’ word:

1. Fruit.

It’s an oldie but a goody and whilst some people might find the idea of eating fruit quite boring, if you really think about it, their deliciously sweet taste is the perfect remedy in our battle against refined white sugar.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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2. Dried Fruit.

In many ways, dried fruit is even more versatile than fresh and, aside from being a great snack on its own, it can be used in anything from breakfast cereal all the way through to baking.


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3. Swap fizzy drinks for juice and soda water.

It is a sad fact that fizzy drinks these days are not only full of sugar, but also full of chemical additives. Therefore, if you fancy something on the more carbonated side, it is a much healthier choice to take some fresh fruit juice and add sparkling water to it yourself.


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4. Popcorn.

Although many ‘pre-popped’ brands of popcorn are packed full of sugar, if you make it yourself and add a small amount salt then it can be a great remedy to your sugar cravings.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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5. Honey.

Another one of nature’s invaluable gifts, honey can be an excellent alternative in cooking or even spread on toast to avoid more unhealthy snacks.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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6. Agave Nectar.

Originating from Mexico (and South Africa), agave syrup is the derivative of the blue agave plant and its delicious syrup has become very popular in recent years as an alternative to refined sugar.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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7. Stevia.

Although stevia has proved somewhat controversial over the years (due to some scientists claiming that it might be carcinogenic), it is still a widely popular choice of sweetener and is technically an extract of the stevia plant.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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8. Coconut palm sugar.

Following on from the huge success of coconut milk and oil, coconut palm sugar is now dominating the market as a sweet yet ‘not-so-bad-for you’ alternative to the dreaded white stuff.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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9. No added sugar soft drinks.

If you’re unable to find any juice and soda water then your next best alternative is to reach for a diet or ‘no added sugar’ drink, which many of the main beverage brands are now providing.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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10. No added sugar yoghurt.

One of the best loved breakfasts and/or desserts out there, sugar-free yoghurts are becoming more and more popular and have the added bonus of being extremely low in fat, if they have any in them at all.

Alternatives to High Sugar Foods

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